Drug-Free Schools & Communities Act
In keeping with requirements and meeting full compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA), Austin Community College (ACC) District presents the following information to all of its students.
Standards of Conduct
The unlawful possession, use, consumption, distribution, sale, or manufacture of controlled substances and possession of drug paraphernalia is prohibited on any premises owned or controlled by ACC. Under no circumstance will the College tolerate unlawful possession, use, distribution, sale, or manufacture of controlled substances, possession of drug paraphernalia, or the unlawful use of alcohol on campus or at College-sponsored activities other than as specifically approved by the ACC Chancellor.
Visit Standards of Conduct for additional information.
Disciplinary Sanctions
Students who violate these Standards of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion in accordance with College policy Student Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Process (Board Policy Group A: Administrative Rule 6.1202.01). In addition, the provisions of College policy Prohibition of the Use of Alcoholic Beverage at ACC Student Life Sponsored Events (Board Policy Group A: Administrative Rule 6.1202.03.) and College policy Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) (Board Policy Group C: Administrative Rule 6.1202.02) shall apply to violations of this policy.
Visit College Penalties for additional information.
Legal Sanctions
The use of illicit drugs by any person is illegal under both state and federal statutes. Use of alcohol by persons under 21 years of age is illegal under state law. Penalties for conviction under state and federal law include incarceration and fines. Property used in connection with illegal drugs may be confiscated. Federal student loans and grants may be denied to those convicted of a violation of a criminal drug statute.
Visit Legal Sanctions for additional information.
Programs for Students Requiring Assistance
Any Austin Community College (ACC) student who has a drug- or alcohol-related problem may call upon the College for assistance. Students have access to counseling professionals for free initial screenings concerning substance use with possible referrals to local agencies or community partners. While a screening tool is not a substitute for a complete evaluation, it can help identify individuals who may have a substance use disorder or are symptomatic of other disorders and how to get help.
Counselors can also help you find the appropriate counseling and treatment resources if needed. All counseling services at ACC are confidential.
Visit Campus Resources and Support and Community Support Services for additional information.
Health Risks
The use of drugs and alcohol can have a substantial and detrimental effect on health. These effects are often permanent and can lead to severe physical and psychological impairment, disability, and premature death.
Visit Health Risks of Alcohol and Health Risks of Drugs.