Seek Additional Area of Study Advising, as Needed

After you attend New Riverbat Orientation and before you register for classes, you are encouraged to visit with an Area of Study Academic Guidance Team member. The Area of Study Academic Guidance Team member can review your transcripts and assist you with planning your courses.

Students who are placed into developmental education courses must see an Area of Study Academic Guidance Team member.  Area of Study Academic Guidance Team members are available by appointment, which can be made by calling or visiting the campus Student Affairs office. Refer to Areas of Study Advising to find your Area of Study Academic Guidance Team member.


    • International students must meet with an advisor every semester before registering for classes.
    • New students with 12 or more credit hours or current students may self-advise but are encouraged to consult with an Area of Study or program advisor.

Program Advising

Instructional programs are willing to provide support prior to registration. Certain instructional programs require new students to be advised through their program before registering for classes, such as Culinary Arts and Health Sciences. Refer to the Restricted Program Admission section of this catalog for a complete list and contact those programs prior to course registration.

Select Your Courses

In addition to meeting with an advisor, Austin Community College (ACC) has many tools to assist you with your course selection and planning. Program Maps set up clear pathways for you to follow, based upon your Area of Study and selected program, if you have declared a major.

You will find these online at each Area of Study website. Visit ACC Academic and Career Programs and select your path to find your program map.

Some students choose to attend full-time and some choose to attend part-time. A full-time schedule is considered twelve to fifteen credit hours per semester.

Note about auditing courses: admitted students may audit classes if space permits. Audit registration is allowed only during the final day of schedule changes (add/drops). Tuition and fees for audited courses are the same as those for courses taken for credit. Dual credit students may not audit classes.

Plan & Register Using the Online Registration System

You will use Self-Service Student Planning to plan and register for your classes. Self-Service allows you to view class availability in real-time. Visit Registration for more information.

Registration is available on the days listed in the Academic Calendar. ACC reserves the right to change registration dates. Refer to ACC’s Calendars page for the latest registration and payment information.

Plan Ahead to Avoid Deregistration

You are not officially registered until you pay your tuition in full (or have arranged a payment plan and made your first payment) and, if needed, meet the meningitis immunization requirement. If you do not meet these requirements before the tuition payment deadline, you will be deregistered (“dropped” from your classes). If you are deregistered, you are not guaranteed to receive your previous schedule if you re-register. Refer to Tuition Deadlines for more information.

Student Holds

A student hold may prevent you from registering for classes. Allow up to 24 hours for a student hold to be removed from your record after you have completed the requirement. See Student Holds for a listing of common student holds.